
Our Datacenter Facility

  • Sanity Technology's world-class Australian Brisbane Data Centre facility is housed within a modern multi-storey building of concrete construction at 360 St Pauls Tce, Fortitude Valley, on the fringe of the Brisbane CBD. The building provides easy access with onsite customer parking, delivery and service bay, internal lift, basement parking and storage space for delivery of IT equipment.

    Australia Brisbane CoLocation

    The Brisbane Data Centre facility is connected to Sanity's own dark-fibre Metropolitan Area Network which is a fully redundant, geographically diverse fibre ring network giving our clients the assurance that their products and services are available on the internet at all times. The core foundation of our network is exceptionally stable which we confidently guarantee to our customers with a 99.999% Service Level Agreement.

    Within the Data Centre our commitment to redundancy has been extended throughout all core services, such as UPS systems, electricity supply and air-conditioning with a minimum N+1 specification to ensure that our customers valuable server equipment is in safe hands at all times.

    Please take a moment to review actual photos from our facility in the slide show below.

    Sanity DC1 SlideshowSanity DC1 Slideshow

    Australian Data Centre Facility Technology

    The InfraStruXure©Data Centre solution provided by APC Schneider Electric© was chosen for the facility as it fully integrates electricity, cooling, security, rack cabinets and management services in a scalable fashion. The on-demand architecture provides an efficient modular design that can be expanded upon in a streamlined fashion allowing the Data Centre to scale as technology evolves. This means that Sanity Technology's Facility can scale to meet the power and cooling demands of cutting-edge IT environments today, and in the future.

    The InfraStruXure© datacenter solution provided by APC


    Complimenting the InfraStruXure© solution, APC Symmetra© Uninteruptable Power Supply (UPS) systems are utilized to provide continued power supply in emergency situations when local electricity supply is not available. These are further backed by CATERPILLAR© deisel generators to provide extended runtime with more than 1,000 litres of deisel fuel on standby. The ultra modern UPS systems are configured for N+1 redundancy ensuring clean power delivery by filtering the electricity supply to protect valuable computer equipment at all times.

    Cat Olympia Generator & APC Symmetra PX UPS

    InRow AC Cooling

    Boasting the highest cooling density available in the industry utilizing APC's InRow air-conditioning units, Sanity Technology can provide up to a massive 15kW (64A) of cooling per rack. This ensures that sufficient power and cooling is available to your requirement for the future of high-density server equipment.

    APC - InRow Cooling

    High Efficiency

    Efficiency has always been a top priority for us, which led to the adoption of cutting-edge thermal containment with APC's Hot Aisle Containment System (HACS). The HACS system provides air containment by separating the cool air supplied to IT equipment and the resultant hot air that is expressed. By preventing the mixture of hot and cool air a significant increase in efficiency, capacity and predictability of the cooling system is provided.

    Another simplistic efficiency measure in place is the insulation of all walls within the facility. This includes a solid fire-rated wall over floor to ceiling glass windows, completely cutting out the warm-sunlight experienced in the Sunshine state of Queensland.

    APC - Hot Air Containment System

    Fire Detection and Suppression

    A suitable fire detection system is a necessity in the modern datacenter and our facility is certainly no exception. The well-known VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) system is in use as "Stage 1" within the Data Centre facility.

    The VESDA system adopts a highly sensitive receiver that produces a signal that is communicated to the buildings fire alarm control panel notifying the local Queensland Fire and Rescue Service. An activation at this level will soon be utilized to initiate the procedure for "Stage 2" where the activation of a Inergen Gaseous Suppression System is planned to occur which will completely extinguish a fire if such an event were to occur. The "Stage 2" works are currently in progress and are expected to be completed shortly.

    In typical Sanity Technology fashion, simply implementing a VESDA system was not the only measure taken. During the initial build process the facility was stripped back to the basics of a concrete floor and concrete ceiling with the removal of all pre-existing wiring, air-conditioning, ceiling tiles, lighting, etc. Subsequently fire-rated walls were erected to fully enclose the facility from external elements, with an exposed ceiling with suspended lighting and uni-strut supported electrical cabling.

    VESDA - Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus

    Detailed Monitoring

    Every measurable aspect of the facility is logged to a centrally managed environmental monitoring solution specifically designed to detect and alert to factors that require attention by Sanity Technology staff. The range of factors monitored includes the following metrics:

    • Overall power usage, drilled down to each individual cabinet.
    • Overall cooling demand, drilled down each individual InRow cooling unit.
    • Temperature within the facility, including multiple temperature probes at various locations inside each HACS system.
    • The functional status of each InRow cooling unit, with detailed temperature, gas pressure and efficiency metrics available.
    • The availability and measure of each electricity feed via the electricity grid and the UPS power demand.
    • Water leak detection surrounding InRow cooling units and throughout the facility floor space.
    • Air quality via measurement of dust and particles in the air, including various gases and smoke.
    • Continuous CCTV monitoring to a centralized off-site recording system.
    • Swipe card access control, logging each entry and exit of staff and clients to the facility.


    Physical security to the facility is provided to clients and staff via proximity smart-cards, coupled with round the clock CCTV monitoring inside the facility and over the exit and entry areas. The provision of 24/7 un-escorted access to the facility is available to clients with individually lockable cabinets.