Today we got up to the roof where our outdoor plant area is located to see how the air-conditioning contractors are progressing. The chilled water pipework is essentially ready to be plumbed into the two large chiller systems that are expected to be lifted into position later this week. This is exciting and speedy progress.
The copper pipework will be shielded with insulation material over the coming days, so thought that we would offer you a unique view of the work in progress before it's completed.
In the below images you can see the array of valves and taps ready for plumbing into the chiller systems.

This is a view of the platform area next to the generator where the two outdoor chiller systems will soon be located.

This is just a different angle of the pipework looking along the wall.

Yet another angle showing the pipework bending around the corner of the building.

The next step is for the outdoor chiller to be lifted into place within the week and we'll post more photos once that's done.
While we do not have a firm completion date as yet the works are progressing nicely which is a welcome relief considering our existing cabinets have been filling quickly with new customers.