This week we are nearing completion of the A/C mechanical works within the facility and hope to see the system fired up within a week.
Yesterday the two new EMICON outdoor chilled water condensors arrived from Italy and were lifted into place via a 50 tonne crane; and then with perfect timing the indoor APC InRow RC units arrived this morning.
Presently the Air-Conditioning contractors are working hard outside in the sweltering Brisbane heat in excess of 33 degree's Celsius. As soon as they are finished plumbing the new condensors into the pipework over the next couple days they'll move onto the indoor APC InRow RC units within the data center facility floor area. The sweet relief of air-conditioning within the facility awaits them!
In the first image below you will be able to see the two chillers however the one to the right has been squeezed tightly behind the generator in a temporary position until the first unit has been fully provisioned. It will then be lifted into its final position and provisioned in due course.

A side view looking down beside the pipework and the newly installed chiller.

An overhead view of the chillers condensers.

A stepped back view of the chiller at eye level while standing on the roof plant area.

Lastly we took a quick snap of the indoor APC InRow RC Air-Conditioning units while being delivered this morning before they were quickly rolled into the facility.